Velkommen til Power Platform User Group Denmark
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Power Platform User Group Denmark (POWERUG.DK) er en gratis ERFA gruppe som retter sig mod folk der arbejder med Power Apps og Power Automate til dagligt, både inden for adoption, forretning, drift, udvikling og planlægning. Formålet med gruppen er erfaringsudveksling og vidensdeling.
Vi mødes en gang om månden hvor emner er- Nyheder
- Demo
- Erfaringer fra hverdagen
Power Apps & Power Automate Brugergruppe Danmark (POWERUG.DK) is a free ERFA group which is aimed at people who work with Power Apps and Power Automate on a daily basis, both within adoption, business, operations, development and planning. The purpose of the group is exchange of experience and knowledge sharing.
We meet once a month where topics are
Experiences from everyday life
Then there is the opportunity to show solutions and provide inspiration to others and to ask questions. The meeting takes place in Danish.
We meet once a month where topics are
Experiences from everyday life
Then there is the opportunity to show solutions and provide inspiration to others and to ask questions. The meeting takes place in Danish.
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